Tuesday, July 19, 2005
OK, so now I have blogspot blog. What's next? Figured I needed to get one that I could easily moblog pictures to (via flickr) and post to with my cellphone. Hopefully I'll keep this (kinda) updated :)
Why Ashoe's visual sojourn? Well, I'm glad you asked ...
Main Entry: 1A.shoe
Pronunciation: Umm, like, you know, A shoe (s) (or Ashu's) ...
Function: proper noun
1 : Mine, denotes personal possessive form
2 : A single item of footwear (Also see: SHOE)
Main Entry: 1vi·su·al
Pronunciation: 'vi-zh&-w&l, -zh&l; 'vizh-w&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin visualis, from Latin visus sight, from vidEre to
1 : of, relating to, or used in vision <visual organs>
2 : attained or maintained by sight <visual impressions>
4 : producing
mental images : VIVID
: done or executed by sight only <visual navigation>
6 : of, relating to, or employing visual aids
Main Entry: 1so·journ
Pronunciation: 'sO-"j&rn, sO-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sojorn, from Old French, from sojorner
: a temporary stay <a sojourn in the country>
Why Ashoe's visual sojourn? Well, I'm glad you asked ...
Main Entry: 1A.shoe
Pronunciation: Umm, like, you know, A shoe (s) (or Ashu's) ...
Function: proper noun
1 : Mine, denotes personal possessive form
2 : A single item of footwear (Also see: SHOE)
Main Entry: 1vi·su·al
Pronunciation: 'vi-zh&-w&l, -zh&l; 'vizh-w&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin visualis, from Latin visus sight, from vidEre to
1 : of, relating to, or used in vision <visual organs>
2 : attained or maintained by sight <visual impressions>
4 : producing
mental images : VIVID
: done or executed by sight only <visual navigation>
6 : of, relating to, or employing visual aids
Main Entry: 1so·journ
Pronunciation: 'sO-"j&rn, sO-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sojorn, from Old French, from sojorner
: a temporary stay <a sojourn in the country>